Listening is crucial during a crisis. When someone is giving evacuation information that will save your life, you will tune everything else out so that you do not miss hearing a single word. While this is true for a physical crisis, it should be equally true for us spiritually.
God has given each of us crucial soul-saving information within His holy word. It is necessary for us to listen attentively to His word so that we hear everything that pertains to our soul being made right with Him. How do we ensure we are listening fully to His word? Consider the following…
Have access to His Word.
During the reign of Joshia, the book of God’s Law was found in the temple. When the law was read before the king, he tore his clothes and wept for he knew the nation was in jeopardy with God. The question is, “Where should the law of God been kept?” According to Deuteronomy, every king was to have his own copy of the law. The king was to read the law all the days of his life (Deuteronomy 17:18-20).
If the instructions of Moses had been kept, the events during the days of Josiah would have been much different. Today, we have abundant access to the word of God. Having access is not the same as having knowledge. We still must take the time to read, study, and know the word of God for ourselves.
Listen to the Word without any Hidden Agenda
The people inquired of Jeremiah whether God would allow them to escape to Egypt. Jeremiah said that he would tell them God’s ruling on the matter. After ten days Jeremiah gave the Lord’s answer. God forbade the people from going to Egypt. When the people heard this, they did not believe the words Jeremiah spoke. Consequently, they proceeded to go to Egypt and were soon met with calamity. (Jeremiah 42-43)
Too many listen to the word of God with expectation of what they want to hear. When the truth revealed is contrary to their hopes, they disregard it. Men often come to the word of God hoping to hear that they are already living right before Him. Their words may claim they would change, but their actions reveal otherwise. When such topics like repentance and obedience are taught, they often leave disappointed and unchanged.
God has given to us everything we need to be right with Him. We have free access to His word. We can read and study His word without fear of any kind. When we do study, we must do so with the purpose of keeping His word in context and the determination to follow His word faithfully. When we do so, then we are truly blessed.
God Bless each of you,
Eric Hicks
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