The Last Minute

     I often like to joke about loving the last minute. If it were not for the last minute, I would get nothing done. During this time of year, it becomes clear that a lot of people also love the last minute. You will find them in at Walmart one hour before closing on Christmas Eve. They scrabble around the sales floor trying to find that last minute gift before the personnel asks them to leave.

However, this article is not about last-minute Christmas shopping. If you are one who waits until the last minute to finish Christmas shopping, you are among friends. This concerns the last-minute from a spiritual perspective. There is nothing more detrimental to the soul than waiting until the last minute to be right with God.

Jesus told a parable about five virgins who were unprepared for meeting the bridegroom (Matthew 25:1-13).  While the others brought extra oil with them, these five did not. When it was announced that the bridegroom was coming, they begged the wise virgins for some oil. They were unable to comply lest there not be enough for all of them. Instead, they were told to go and purchase some oil and hurry back.

By the time they returned, it was too late. The bridegroom came. Those who were prepared went into the wedding feast. The five unprepared virgins found themselves outside the door desperately wanting to come in. However, once the door was shut, they were closed out forever.

Each day we have the opportunity to ensure that we are prepared for eternity. We can make certain that we have biblically followed the steps of salvation. Also, we can ensure that we are living the Christian life by following the will of God and remaining dead to sin.

The devil’s great deception is that we have an abundance of time. He convinces many that they can sit back and be at ease. Salvation is something that can be contemplated later. Because of his deception, many make the last minute their best friend.

The trouble with the last minute is that we never know when that will be. When we took a timed test in school, were given a two-minute warning, a one-minute warning, and a thirty second warning. The Lord does not operate that way. Peter tells us that He will come like a thief in the night (2 Peter 3:9). Therefore, we must always be in a prepared spiritual state.

If you have not completed all your Christmas shopping yet, you still have another week. That is plenty of time even for a last-minute Amazon order. However, if you are unsure about your salvation, there is no better time than the present to be right with God. Remember the words of Paul who said that today is the day of salvation (2 Corinthians 6:2).

God Bless each of you,

Eric Hicks
