Precious Gifts

This is that beautiful time of the year when we give and receive various gifts. There is nothing quite like seeing the eyes of our loved ones light up when their expectations have been met. The gifts we provide can be something special that we have made, or a well-planned purchase.

The question is, “What is the best gifts we can give?” There is no shortage of vendors out there trying to answer this question. However, the best gifts are not those that can be purchased. These gifts are valuable, but not timeless. While there is nothing wrong with these gifts in and of themselves, we should also consider some other types of gifts that are sure to satisfy.

Our Time. The most precious commodity that we have is our time. Material goods can be replaced, and money lost can be built up again. Time, however, once it is spent is gone forever. As the apostle Paul wrote, “Redeeming the time because the days are evil.” (Ephesians 5:16)

The time we spend with others can be doing a project together or playing some of their favorite games. The time we spend in joy and laughter will be remembered long after the thrill of material gifts is forgotten. These are times that can never be lost or taken away.

A Listening Ear. Everyone we encounter is struggling with something. The things people struggle with vary by event and in degree. Sometimes what people need the most is someone to listen to them.

During these times it is natural to either solve their problem or offer advice. Granted, sometimes this is warranted. Other times, however, the other person just needs to be understood. A listening ear and understanding are things that money cannot buy.

A Good Example. It is one thing to tell others what is expected. It is on a whole new level to demonstrate godly living by our example. In fact, our example will be remembered years after our departure from this life.

Paul told Timothy, “…be an example to the believers in word, in conduct, in love, in spirit, in faith, in purity.” (1 Timothy 4:12). What we must always remember is that our example is constantly being observed. This is true whether our example is good or bad. Therefore, a good example we set before others is an indispensable gift.

These are only a few good gifts we can offer to others. The best part about these gifts is that they can be giving throughout the year. I do wish all a Merry Christmas and hope you receive what you truly desire this year. At the same time, may we never lose sight of the precious gifts we can give to others throughout our time here.

God bless each of you,

Eric Hicks 
